July 7, 2018

Most Common Diseases in Pakistan 2020

Several diseases that are eradicated from most parts of the planet still exist in Pakistan.

This disease spread is credited to the high pollution rate which is worsened by an unfavorable climate.

Furthermore, a scarcity of educational, financial, and economic development is additionally the number one cause.


According to the planet Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan ranks 122 out of 190 countries in terms of health care standards.

Here are the ten commonest diseases in Pakistan that we all got to remember.

Mosquito-borne Diseases

Malaria, dengue, and yellow jack are the three commonest mosquito-borne diseases that occur in Pakistan.

Malaria occurs when female mosquitoes transmit parasites within the liver and attack red blood cells.

Severe chills, sweats, and high fever are common symptoms. 

Dengue fever is a severe form of the virus that causes migraines, chills, and loss of strength and appetite.

Furthermore, it's going to cause hospitalization and become lethal if not treated in time.

However, yellow jack is probably the foremost severe sort of mosquito-borne diseases.

It causes viral infection of the respiratory passages. Fever and, in severe cases, hepatitis or hemorrhagic fever may occur.

Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemic or coronary heart condition is one of the foremost lethal diseases in Pakistan.

Air pollution, smoking, and unhealthy food choices are among the leading causes of this disease.

These factors give way to high cholesterol levels, obesity, lethargy, and exposure to harmful pollutants.

Furthermore, thanks to the shortage of sanitation, pure water isn’t there to flush out toxins from the body.

Therefore, ischemic heart disease occurs as a result of these overriding symptoms, causing major health problems and in some cases, death.

Intestinal Infections

Infection is the most common form of the disease in Pakistan since it occurs on the basis of co-infection.

Contamination, poor sanitation, fewer resources, and lack of medication are the main factors behind the infection.

The fact that Pakistan remains a developing country doesn't do much to assist either.

Additionally, intestinal infections include cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, food poisoning, and diarrhea among others.

Bacterial Diseases

Most bacteria that live in our cells are good bacteria, that are beneficial for the body.

Some, however, can cause deadly diseases, if not cured in time.

The infections that bacteria may cause include tract infections and streptococcal sore throat.

However, typhoid and tuberculosis are a number of the deadliest bacterial diseases that are common causes of death in Pakistan.

Viral Diseases

Viruses are nearly always harmful and harder to treat thanks to their tiny size.

Viral diseases include viral hepatitis, mumps, rabies, measles, chickenpox, and many more.

The most common and high in Pakistan are hepatitis A and E. Furthermore, viruses can turn fully functional cells into cancerous cells.

They target cells within the blood, liver, and systema respiratorium, also as bacteria.

Hepatitis A and E

Hepatitis A is a viral disease that spreads through contaminated water or unhealthy food.

It occurs as a result of poor sanitation and care of local produce.

Its symptoms include fever, jaundice, and diarrhea and it deteriorates the liver functions.

Hepatitis E is another viral disease, also affecting liver functions. Contaminated water is its primary cause of spreading.

Furthermore, it's going to disrupt the tract also display other symptoms like jaundice or fatigue.


TB may be a lung disease that's contagious and spreads by coughing and sneezing.

Incidentally, Pakistan ranks 8 out of the 22 countries in the world that are most highly prone to tuberculosis, according to WHO.

Tuberculosis can occur in the pulmonary (lungs), respiratory, and central nervous systems.

Furthermore, it takes place as meningitis (brain), as well as bones, joints, and other organs.


Cancer is arguable, one of the leading causes of death in Pakistan, representing 8% of all deaths.

Lung cancer and carcinoma are the 2 commonest sorts of cancer in Pakistan.

The majority of Pakistan’s cancer patients do not have access to proper treatment.

Furthermore, there are only a few treatment centers because it is, a scarcity of proper healthcare and medical facilities.

Additionally, there is a lack of education and awareness regarding cancer as well.

Therefore, patients aren't treated until they reach critical stages of cancer, after which treatment becomes ineffective and that they are unable to be cured in time.


The lack of health and nutrition is a clear phenomenon in Pakistan.

The food that's consumed swims in fat, comes from questionable sources, and is smothered in salt or sugar.

Furthermore, the arrival of processed food worsens matters further.

Diabetes occurs when the body becomes incapable of producing insulin, resulting in low metabolism and high glucose levels in the blood and urine.

Pakistan has the very best diabetes rates altogether of South Asia, with as many as 7 million people suffering from the disease.


A stroke is when blood flow to the brain is disrupted.

There are typically two sorts of strokes, namely, ischemic and hemorrhage.

Ischemic is when a vessel or artery is stopped by a grume and is unable to succeed in the brain.

Hemorrhage results in internal bleeding of the brain due to the rupture of a brain blood vessel.

It is a serious explanation for death in Pakistan.

All in all, there are several hospitals in Pakistan that are capable of providing adequate treatment for these diseases.

However, they're still only a few in number, thanks to the shortage of capable doctors and medical facilities.

Furthermore, the government needs to play its role in providing access to more hospitals and awareness regarding lethal diseases, so that people can get the treatment done in time.


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