March 18, 2022

The Benefits of Exercise to Improve Mental and Emotional Health

Practicing physical activities on a continuous and moderate basis brings numerous physical and psychological health benefits. Maintaining an active lifestyle contributes to the prevention, development, and rehabilitation of health, establishing mental well-being, and increasing our quality of life.

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The protective effect of exercise on our physical health, specifically for cardio-metabolic health, is well known. However, exercise is also effective in treating depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

It is often thought that exercise is only about aerobic capacity and muscle size, which is a mistake. Of course, it can improve our physical condition, help us lose inches from our waistlines, make our sex lives more pleasurable and make us live longer. But that's not the only thing that motivates people to be active.

Physical activity plays a very effective role in preventing and treating mental imbalances۔ It improves the person's autonomy, memory, and mental agility. It promotes feelings such as optimism or euphoria while improving self-esteem. All these benefits for our mental health play sports a necessary and beneficial activity at any age.

Exercise provides a great sense of well-being. It makes us feel more energetic during the day, sleep better at night, have more explicit memories, and feel more relaxed and positive in the face of life's challenges. And that's not all: exercise is also a powerful 'medicine' for many common mental health problems. Scientific research increasingly shows that moderate amounts and intensities of exercise can make a big difference in our mental health.

1. Exercises Releases Happy Hormones

The endorphins that our brain releases during and after physical activity lead us to greater happiness and emotional well-being. Workout in cases of depression or anxiety can help reduce the symptoms of depression, create a sense of calm, and have a positive effect on a person's life quality.

It doesn't matter if you swim, run, or practice any sport; the important thing is to combat the sedentary lifestyle that can lead to coronary or neurovascular diseases. However, to notice the powerful benefits of Sport, it is necessary to have a certain constancy and practice it at least 3 times a week.

2. Impact on Our Stress

Common physical signs of stress include trouble sleeping, sweating, and loss of appetite, symptoms like these are triggered by a surge of stress hormones in our body, also known as the "fight or flight" response. These hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline, raise our blood pressure and increase our heart rate and the frequency we sweat, preparing our body for emergency response.

Physical exercise is very effective in relieving stress. Research has found that active people tend to have lower stress levels than less active people.

3. Improve Social Relations

Doing any physical exercise in the company is a way to encourage and motivate each other. It is another moment you can share with friends that will motivate you to continue this good practice for your health.

If there is a gym in your area, the physical activities offered in most of them also allow you to meet new people who are equally interested in health.

Improving emotional state and self-esteem leads to better social relationships. When we feel good, we give a sense of appreciation to the people around us and are more capable of social engagement and involvement.

4. Relieves Anxiety

The effects of sports on brain chemistry acts during and after the activity. In cases of anxiety, scientific literature has shown that Sport is beneficial in relieving some of its most disabling symptoms.

Swimming is a physically complete sport that allows us to release tension and relax simultaneously; it reduces anxiety symptoms, such as muscle aches and pains, and acts against insomnia. Practicing sports that promote relaxation, such as Taichi, Yoga, Bodybuilding, and Pilates, is recommended to combat severe or chronic anxiety.

5. It Slows Down and Prevents Cognitive Deterioration

In the case of cognitive decline and the development of neurodegenerative diseases, age is a very important factor. Science has once again demonstrated that physical activity, primarily performed in youth and adulthood, increases brain chemicals that prevent the degeneration of neurons in the hippocampus, an area affected in dementias.

In certain cases of Alzheimer's disease, its onset can be prevented or reduced by physical exercise, which also helps prevent its progression.

Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, or cycling on a regular and constant basis, are the physical activities most associated with better mental functioning. In the specific case of Alzheimer's disease, its onset can be prevented or reduced with physical exercise, which also helps to prevent its progression. This results in improved physical, mental, and cognitive health, important for chronic conditions.

Other studies show that regular exercise increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of certain diseases at this stage of life due to the cardiovascular protective effect.

6. It Impacts your Self-Esteem

Exercise not only has a positive impact on our physical health, but it can also increase our self-esteem. Self-esteem is how we feel and perceive ourselves.

It is a crucial indicator of our mental well-being and ability to cope with life stressors. Physical activity has been shown to have a positive influence on our self-esteem. This relationship has been found in children, adolescents, adults, and older people, in both men and women.

7. It Combats Sleep Disorders

Sleep is essential for human beings. We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, and when we sleep, the body makes a series of physical changes necessary to recover from daily activities.

Insomnia is one of the most widespread sleep disorders in our society due to the speed of life, which causes more and more people to have trouble sleeping. Sports activities allow us to fall asleep quickly by combating stress and relieving anxiety.

Several studies have shown that sleepiness was lower in physically active people during the day. If you have problems with drowsiness, practicing physical activity in moderation will allow you to enjoy a better-quality sleep that will allow you to be more precise during the day.

8. Increases our Ability to Concentrate

All sports require a certain amount of concentration; in some, it is fundamental. Our mind is almost as important as our body in individual sports such as chess, tennis, or gymnastics; being focused or not makes the difference between doing well or poorly.

In team sports, you need to focus during exercises and matches, thus increasing your concentration. This characteristic is fundamental in the infantile stage; it is advisable to practice some sport during childhood.

9. Conclusion

Regular exercising is an essential part of an active and healthy lifestyle; people who lead active lives are less likely to get sick and more likely to live longer lives. Exercising allows you to be more physically fit and improves your mental health and overall sense of well-being.

The real enemy is a sedentary lifestyle. If a person does not have time to exercise during the week, it is better to exercise on one or both days of the weekend. A recent study in the United Kingdom showed that people who develop their exercise routines in one or two sessions during the weekend experience almost as many physical and mental health benefits as those who exercise more frequently.

What is essential is regularity and that the exercise is of moderate intensity. Of course, if a person is returning to physical activity after a long period of inactivity, they should undergo a clinical evaluation beforehand.


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