July 20, 2020

Top ten foods that can kill you instantly

Hello, My name is Samreen, and I am a professional article writer, So today I will talk about the top ten foods that can kill you.



"Can potato sprouts kill you?" Yes, they can, but the issue isn't with the potato as a whole; actually, it's with the green sprouts and any other green parts of the potato plant. They produce solanine, a toxin that is harmful to consume.

Thus, while eating potatoes is safe in general, it's recommended to keep away from the green parts if you want to stay healthy!

Now, another question arises in your mind, can green potatoes kill you? Yes, they also can.

The leaves and sprouts of potato plants are high in glycoalkaloids another deadly poison so never eat potatoes that are spoiled or green below the skin. Always throw away these sprouts. Potatoes that aren't clean and have had any sprouts removed are safe to eat.

Bitter Almonds

There's a food that will kill you, and it's not the sweet almonds you normally eat. It's the bitter almonds that you should stay away from. These are wild almonds and have far more toxins called cyanide as compared to sweet almonds.

Eating only 50 bitter almonds can be deadly, truth be told. In this way, stick to the sweet ones and protect your tidbits!

If you've breathed in a little cyanide, you will feel dizzy, get headaches, feel nauseous, or breathe fast. Your heart also starts racing. It's important to get help if you experience any such symptoms after being around cyanide.


Aqui is a tropical fruit native to West Africa and is the national fruit of Jamaica. It's famous for having toxins called hypoglycin A and hypoglycin B. These toxins are in the seeds and arils of the fruit. Just be careful with those seeds, as they have the hypoglycin B that you want to avoid.

These toxins cause a problem called Ackee fruit toxicity or Jamaican vomiting sickness. If you eat unripe ackee or its pods or seeds, you can become ill within 2 to 12 hours. It is like your body's way of saying "no thanks" to those not exactly prepared ackees!

Unripe ackee can cause serious side effects including vomiting, fainting, and seizures. It's risky if you don't seek treatment immediately. Therefore, it's better to hold back from eating until the fruit's protective pods become red and open naturally. Safety comes first when using ackee!

Rhubarb leaves

Rhubarb leaves contain poisonous oxalic acid which is very harmful to any human body. But don't worry, only the stalks are safe to eat! They're used in lots of yummy desserts and sweet dishes.

If you consume its leaves then you may feel a burning sensation in your mouth and throat as well as difficulty breathing. So people should be cautious while consuming rhubarb they should cut and discard its leaves and use only the stalks of the rhubarb.

Castor Beans

Castor beans contain ricin, one of the deadliest natural chemicals. Surprisingly, only five beans can kill an adult human. That's why it's so important to handle them with extreme care!

The beans are used by manufacturers to extract castor oil, which ends up in lots of things like cosmetics, lotions, chocolate, and even candies.

When someone consumes poisoned ricin, symptoms can occur two to four hours after consumption, but in rare cases, symptoms may not appear for up to 36 hours. If you're handling these beans or anything made from them, you should be aware of this!

It is characterized by a burning sensation in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Without medical attention, death occurs within 3 to 5 days.


Elderberries are often used to make pies, wines, teas, jams, and pies. These berries also are known for their poisonous content of cyanide which lies in elderberry leaves and stems.

Continue using the berries in your delicious recipes and consume them safely!

Elderberries contain a poisonous alkaloid when they are uncooked or green. Thus, if you're thinking about eating elderberries, choose the ripe ones and cook them first. Cooking removes the toxic ingredients, making them safe and tasty to consume!

The majority of incidents occur when people try to make tea from its leaves. Avoid Elderberry tea unless you are sure that it was prepared safely. Take care and continue to taste elderberries in different ways!


Ripe or red tomatoes are safe to eat and contain many nutrients that are good for your health. But if you eat a lot of green or unripe tomatoes including their leaves and stems then you'll suffer from severe illness or maybe death.

The green, unripe fruit of tomatoes as well as the leaves, and stems, contain the highest amounts of the poison alkaloids called Tomatine and solanine.

If you eat way too much of these toxins, they can cause gastrointestinal problems, liver, and also damage your heart. It's best to stick with the ripe tomatoes for a delicious and safe snack!


Many foods that can kill you include cherries as well but how?

Cherry bits can be very harmful, remember not to chew or swallow them even if they are healthy. For the safety of your health, eating cherries in proportion is great!

The pits of cherries contain cyanogenic glycosides, which produce cyanide. Also, the leaves, bark, and seeds contain a cyanide-producing substance called amygdaline. To be safe, it's better to avoid eating or crushing these parts!

Consuming larger amounts will cause an increase in blood pressure, breathing problems, seizures, coma, and death from respiratory arrest.

Red kidney beans

Red kidney beans contain a sugar-based glycoprotein called kidney bean lectin that if consumed raw or partially cooked can produce symptoms similar to those of food poisoning.

Eating only four or five kidney beans can make you feel quite nauseous in one to three hours. You can get severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

However, if you cook red kidney beans at a high temperature for the right amount of time, it destroys the toxin and makes them safe to eat! Red kidney beans should be properly cooked before usage.

It is necessary to soak them in water for a minimum of eight hours before using them. This procedure helps ensure that they are safe to consume and won't cause any health issues!


Cinnamon is one of the most important flavoring agents in food and drinks. Research reveals that coumarin is present in substantial amounts in cinnamon-flavored foods. Coumarin is very toxic to the liver and could cause severe damage to this organ.

If you use cinnamon daily for health reasons consider switching to Ceylon cinnamon which has a lower coumarin content than any other type of cinnamon.


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