December 3, 2021

6 Best Foods to Help You Sleep

Here are some surprising facts about sleep that might seem unbelievable! For example, engaging in intimate activities can lead to better sleep. Or that indulging in a sweet treat like ice cream before bed can improve your sleep quality. It may sound odd, but consider this: our bodies function like machines, and food provides the necessary fuel to energize them

alarm clock

When we provide our bodies with the right nutrients, we feel more energetic and look more vibrant. This allows our bodies to work in harmony with our minds, enabling us to perform necessary tasks, like getting a good night's sleep

Conversely, consuming the wrong foods, such as those high in sugar or caffeine, is like putting the wrong fuel in your car—a bad idea. It can lead to high blood sugar, jitteriness, and a restless mind, which aren't ideal for a good night's sleep. Experts agree that quality sleep is crucial for a healthier, happier life. So, keep reading to discover the best foods to help you rest well.

1. Kiwis

In addition to being delicious and vibrant, this tangy fruit is a great sleep aid. Eating a kiwi, or even better, two kiwis, an hour before bed can help you fall asleep faster and more deeply. This is due to the high levels of serotonin and antioxidants in the fruit, which promote a calm and relaxed state, perfect for a good night's sleep.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric, a vibrant addition to any pantry, has been valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its healing benefits. It's mainly known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it also helps lower blood sugar, boosts immunity, and aids digestion. If you're struggling with restless nights due to high sugar levels or an upset stomach, turmeric can be the solution you need.

Tip: Try turmeric in a tasty beverage called "Golden Milk" from India. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric into hot milk, add half a teaspoon of ginger, and a pinch of cinnamon. This warm drink is nourishing, calming, and perfect for promoting restful sleep.

3. Almonds

I absolutely love almonds for their crunchy texture and rich taste! An almond butter spread on toast might seem like an indulgence, but it's actually a great evening snack. Almonds are rich in magnesium, which supports serotonin production, the "happy hormone." Eating a handful before bed helps you relax, preparing your mind for a restful night's sleep.

4. Sweet potatoes

Replace fries with delicious sweet potato wedges in your evening meals. They offer complex carbohydrates that keep you full and prevent nighttime hunger. Sweet potatoes are also rich in potassium, which acts as a natural muscle relaxant. The outcome: A satisfied appetite, a relaxed body, and a restful sleep as comforting as the sweet potatoes.

Tip: Enjoy your wedges with tahini or hummus made from tahini. Not only does it taste great, but sesame seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. Since it takes about an hour to take effect, include tahini as part of your evening meal rather than a late-night snack.

5. Yogurt

Studies indicate that a lack of calcium might disrupt sleep. Enjoying a serving of yogurt before bed can enhance your sleep quality. However, that doesn’t mean you should have a midnight feast of cheese and ice cream. Cheese can cause heartburn, and ice cream is high in sugar.

The drawbacks of these foods outweigh the sleep benefits of calcium. Instead, opt for sugar-free yogurt or a glass of milk. If you prefer non-dairy options, consider other calcium-rich foods such as dark leafy greens.

6. Bananas

While I mentioned that ice cream can help sleep better, there’s truth to it. Here’s the reason: bananas are packed with magnesium and vitamin B6, which enhance happiness and relaxation (thanks to serotonin!). They also have potassium to ease muscle tension and keep you fuller longer.

Freeze two bananas, blend them with a splash of almond milk for added sleep benefits, and you’ve got a delicious, healthy homemade ice cream that won't disrupt your sleep.

With these sleep-enhancing foods, what are you waiting for? Head to the kitchen, start snacking, and enjoy better sleep!


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