December 20, 2021

Doing a Meat Fast Is It Healthy for You?

First of All, what is a Meat Fast? Meat fast is where one commits to eating only meats for a range of 2-4 days. A Carnivore fasts if you will. It is occasionally used on a low-carb diet.

Why Would Someone Do a Meat Fast? The two main reasons to do meat fast would be to break a stall, or to get into Ketosis (fat-burning mode) quicker.

Again, it is ONLY meant to be done for a few days. Long term, it would be more risk than benefit.

A woman cooking meat

How Does it Work?

The meat feast is a relatively new concept. It has the same principles as a fat fast, but many people feel a meat fast is easier to perform. For roughly three days, one would commit to eating only meats and fats. Coffee, mayo, olive oil, and mustard are all okay. The rest is meats without sugary cures. This puts the person at a very low carb interval and higher protein and fats. By limiting one’s carbs to practically zero, and only providing the body with protein and fats to work with, the idea is to force the body into fat-burning mode.

Is There Science Behind This?

Unfortunately, I have yet to find clinical studies proving this is an effective way to jump into ketosis. Dr. Atkins would recommend his patients try a fat fast if they were extremely insulin resistant and had a hard time getting into ketosis or having a stall for longer than 3 weeks.

However, the fat fast would consist of 90% fat and literally doing things like nibbling on a brick of cream cheese all day. I can say there are NUMEROUS studies showing that an LCHF diet works for weight loss and often times with twice the results of a low-fat diet. Since the Meat Fast is simply a more extreme version of LCHF, it is safe today at the worst-case scenario, you are simply getting the same results as if you were eating regular LCHF.

What is an example of a Meat Fast Diet? Day 1 Morning: 2 eggs and bacon and coffee Day 1 noon: turkey rolls with mayo Day 1 Dinner: Steak with melted butter Day 2 Morning: 2 eggs with sausage with coffee Day 2 noon: Cut up chicken breast sauteed in olive oil Day 2 Dinner: Hamburger without bun or toppings. (Add mayo) Day 3 Morning: 2 eggs mixed with chorizo with coffee Day 3 noon: Hot dog or Italian sausage Day 3 Dinner: Pork chops with melted butter.

If you are eating lean meats such as fish or chicken, be sure to fatten it up! Pan fry it in a little olive oil, add mayo or butter.

The other important thing would be to make sure you are getting PLENTY of water. A diet without veggies or very much fiber can make you very constipated. Do drinking water like your life depends on it is very important. Would you ever be crazy enough to try meat fast? Comment Below!


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